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Towards a universal access to Urban Building Energy Modelling - The case of low-income, self-constructed houses in informal settlements in Lima, Peru
This year’s Building Simulation and Optimisation, IBPSA-England’s Sixth Conference, and second Virtual BSO was hosted by the University of Bath and the Centre for Energy and the Design of Environments (EDEn). The GEMDev team successfully presented its work titled “Towards a universal access to Urban Building Energy Modelling – The case of low-income, self-constructed houses…

Developing an Open Access Plugin for Urban Building Energy Modelling in QGIS
This year’s Building Simulation and Optimisation, IBPSA-England’s Sixth Conference, and second Virtual BSO was hosted by the University of Bath and the Centre for Energy and the Design of Environments (EDEn). The GEMDev team successfully presented its work titled “Developing an Open Access Plugin for Urban Building Energy Modelling in QGIS” The abstract can be…

The impact of built environment on thermal comfort in informal settlements. The case of José Carlos Mariátegui, Lima, Perú.
This year’s Building Simulation and Optimisation, IBPSA-England’s Sixth Conference, and second Virtual BSO was hosted by the University of Bath and the Centre for Energy and the Design of Environments (EDEn). The GEMDev team successfully presented its work titled “The impact of built environment on thermal comfort in informal settlements. The case of José Carlos…